Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Painting Update: Still No Pictures

I don't want to bother posting any more photos of my Angels of Redemption until I had something finished, and I didn't want to do any more posts about painting without posting some photos. But these tactical marines are taking me forever to finish!

Part of the problem is that I've generally be trying to do a production line - take a group of figures and do the same part on all of them (base coat the green side, base coat the white side, etc), but then I get interrupted or distracted part way through. Then I might start another section on a different group of figures, or only get through part of the first group when I do the next part. That leaves me with a bunch of figures all with different parts done, and makes it harder to do another production line.

It also doesn't help that I haven't fully decided on a process yet. So I keep trying different approaches and different ideas.

I sat down last night having decided to forget about the production line and just finish one figure. I then changed my mind and decided to get myself back on track. I grabbed all the tactical marines I had partly done, and went through trying to get them all to the same point.

I now have 11 tactical marines to almost the same point. I have some detailing to do, and then it's just highlighting and touching up. I also now have a process, so when I do the next batch things should go a bit smoother.

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