Monday, April 26, 2010

ANZAC Day Gaming

The ANZAC weekend was a pretty full-on family weekend, so there wasn't any hobby time. We did have M staying with us from Saturday, which meant I actually did get some gaming in!

Rich kindly left us Settlers of Catan, so I was finally able to show K what it was like. She didn't hate it, but she was underwhelmed.

"Why would you play this when you could play Dominion?"
"Maybe because Dominion won't be invented for another 10 years"

We agreed that it would probably take a few more goes to get the hang of it, and K is willing to try it again. So it wasn't a total loss. Oh, and I won, but that's not surprising. It was a fairly close game, mostly because I carefully missed giving myself access to any wood.

K and I decided that M might enjoy Dominion, so we gave that a go. Much to my surprise M liked it so much that she wanted to play it the next night instead of Shadows Over Camelot. We each managed to win a game, which is good. Since we were playing with the standard beginner decks, I tried out a couple of new strategies, both of which failed totally.

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