Saturday, April 24, 2010

Character Creation: Vampire the Masquerade

I'm a little behind with this, so let's get into it!

The Game: Vampire: The Masquerade (2nd Ed)
The Publisher: White-Wolf Games
Degree of Familiarity: Lots
Books Being Used : Just the core book

Step One: Concept
He's an author. He had some success while he was alive - literature, or at least something close to it - and so far has found that he can still keep most of his former life happening. Of course, that would be really annoying for all the other players - "I sit at home and write some more!" - so he keeps finding himself pulled more and more into Kindred politics.

Brujah and Toreador are the obvious choices for his clan, but I think I'll go for Brujah partly because it's slightly different from the standard leather jacket rocker, and partly because I think it would be more fun.

You know what, I don't remember the Brujah clan weakness. Oh yeah, they're the angry ones.

There are a few Natures I'd like, but I think I'll go with Architect because it will tie in with the "getting involved with politics" thing, but I'll go for Curmudgeon as his Demeanor.

Step Two: Attributes
It's tempting to make Social his primary group, but I think I have to go with Mental - Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4. Since Appearance is always a dump stat, I'm going to make it 3, which makes Charisma 2 and Manipulation 3. Lastly I'll got for 2 across the board in Physical.

Step Three: Abilities
Okay, 13/9/5 split between Talents, Skills and Knowledges. He's a writer, so he'll need Computer 2 and Linguistics 2. He can also have a point in Investigation, Bureaucracy, Law, Science and Finance I guess.

He can drive, so Drive 1. I'll give him Etiquette 2, Repair 1 (he lives on his own, so knows how to fix stuff) and Security 1 (random book research).

Acting 2, Alertness 2, Empathy 2, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 3

Hmm, that split didn't work out how I was expecting, but that's cool. I've got 3 points left in Talents, so I'll go for a point in Brawl and 2 in Dodge.

Step Four: Advantages
3 points in Disciplines - 1 Celerity and 2 Presence.

5 Backgrounds - Fame 2, Resources 2, Contacts 1. I want more Contacts, so I might need to come back. Yes, I am not going to take any points in Generation.

Virtues - Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 3

Step Five: Finishing Touches
Willpower is equal to my Courage, so 3. Hmmm...

Humanity is Conscience + Self-Control, which is 7, so about right.

Starting Bloodpood: 8 (actually, I rolled a 1 but that's a lame number to start at)

Okay, now I've got 15 Freebie Points to spend. I want 2 more dots in Contacts and 2 in Status. I'll bump my Willpower up to 6. Actually, I think I can bump my Courage up to 4, which has the same effect on my Willpower. Either way, that leaves me with 5 points. So I might just bump his Perception to 4.

And that gives us our mildly attractive, reasonably witty author, who I will name Charlie Grey.

He was about 30 when he was embraced 10 years ago, and has managed to publish one novel since then. Charlie's a bit of a loner, but more by circumstance than nature - he likes people (and people generally like him), but often feels like an observer looking in. This natural impartiality helped him defuse a potential Anarch uprising. During a fiery argument between the Prince's lieutenants and the Anarch leader, he blurted out some thoughts that made it possible for both parties to back down without losing face.

Since then, he's found himself somehow the unofficial peace maker between the two factions. The Anarchs see him as one of the Prince's lackeys, but at least worth listening to. he Prince and his court assume Charlie's sire is pulling his strings, or he's just an Anarch with slightly better manners. Either way, it's a pretty dangerous tightrope Charlie's walking.

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