Friday, April 16, 2010

Character Creation: 3:16

I was going to start this tonight, but I'm sick of bagging my head against a wall at work, so I'm going to do this instead. It does limit my choices quite a bit, but I think I'll start with 3:16 - Carnage Amongst the Stars. I'm pretty sure I got it with the Haiti RPG bundle, but I think this copy is a free version from before it won the Ronnies. I'll have to go back and check if anything's different.

The Game: 3:16
The Publisher: Gregor Hutton
Degree of Familiarity: Virtually none - I flicked through the pdf a while ago
Books Required: The core book

The basic premise is that Earth is a nice, save place where everyone lives the life they want for as long as they want. To protect this nice, happy place, the government has formed the 3:16 Expeditionary Forces to basically go out into the galaxy and kill anything that might one day want to hurt the people on Earth.

There are a couple of examples scattered in the book, but I can't be bothered to go hunting. So off the top of my head, he can be called Bob Mansfield

Skillful, Flaky (Bob seems competent, but when it comes to the crunch he doesn't quite seem to deliver)

There are only two stats - Fighting and Not-Fighting - both rated between 1 and 10. I've got 10 points to split between the two, so I'll go for FA 3, NFA 7. I have 5 Strength and 5 Weakness slots, but I don't have to do anything with them yet

It's a bit tempting to make Bob a Corporal, but I'll just stick with him being a Trooper for now. That gives me an Energy Rifle, a Knife, some Grenades, an Entrenching Tool and some Hand-To-Hand training.

I need to roll a D10 for each point of FA I have. Using the awesome, I get 3, 8 and 4. So a total of 15.

And that's basically it! Back on Terra, Bob was never very good at sticking to one thing. He was the sort of person that picks up new skills fairly easily, but got bored quickly. One afternoon he decided that the 3:16 might be interesting, so signed up. He was bored again before the ship had even left orbit, but by then it was too late.

1 comment:

  1. That's not so out of line with the final version, which really *sings* as a mechanic for shooting the hell out of the Universe.

    The 24-hour version doesn't have a workable system at all.
