Friday, April 16, 2010

Character Creation Project

For about as long as he's been doing it (which must be at least a few years now) I've been reading Matthew McFarland's Character Creation posts on his LiveJournal. The idea is that he wanted to go through and make a character for every RPG book he owned (which, being a fairly serious gamer and a sometimes White-Wolf writer, is a pretty large collection). I've always liked the idea, and figured I'd like to have a go at it.

Since I've now got a blog all about my solitary gaming exploits, I should get around to it!

So here's how I'm going to do it. Part of the aim is to at least get a bit of use out of all the games sitting on my shelf (or on my harddrive). Where I have supplements for a game that include extra character creation rules, I'll make a character using those rules. If I have multiple editions of a game, I'll make a character for each edition that I own. So for something like Dog's in the Vineyard, it will be one character, but for Vampire: The Masquerade there will be quite a few (2nd ed, 3rd ed, all the various supplements).

I'm going to try and make this a weekly event - something for me to post on Fridays.

There's going to be a lot to get through, and I'll probably not make it. But it will certainly be a creative failed attempt!

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