Thursday, April 22, 2010

Musings on a New Army

If I ever do decide to build an Imperial Guard army, it would be a Death Korps of Krieg army. I love the look - the great coats and the gas masks. Of course, at £35 for 10 troops (which is AU$6 per model), it's never going to actually happen (a single troop choice for an IG army can, theoretically, get up to something like 150 models).

It's beginning to look like my dream might be affordable after all. In May, the Wargames Factory are going to release their Shock Troops range - sci fi greatcoat infantry as they describe it. The best part is that they're going to retail for US$20 for a box of 18 models (or AU$1.20 per model)

I can pick up a box of 10 Cadian Shock Troops for £10.40 (AU$1.75 per troop), just to attempt to protect me from the GW enforcers (apparently to be tournament legal, each model needs to be at least 75% GW). So mixing and matching the parts (along with some green stuff work) would give me at least 28 troops (which works out to be about AU$1.40 per model).

There's also some great gas mask heads available from Pig Iron Productions, so a couple of different sets of these could mix things up quite nicely.

Of course, considering how long I've been working on my Angels of Redemption, and I don't even have a single finished model yet, planning something like an IG army seems pretty ridiculous!

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