Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Super Secret Project Deadline

Today is the deadline for my My Super Secret Project! Unfortunately, I've hit a couple of small snags, so I'm not going to make it.

First off, I've come down with a cold. I'd been holding it at bay for a couple of weeks, but it finally caught up with me at the end of last week. So that's slowed me down a little.

I was still hopeful that I could get it all done last night, but at the last minute I had to do Family Techsupport. I had to deal with a fairly nasty virus on a laptop that I've managed to just keep together over the last 12 months.

So I'm tired, sick and behind schedule. But the good news is that I'm getting closer! I'll definitely get it done by the end of the week - maybe even by tonight, but we'll see.

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