Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Cats Away: Head Start

Okay, so like I mentioned before, I'm not starting from scratch with all of these. So how many point have I already earned?

All of the Assault on Black Reach stuff is already cut, assembled and primed. So that's 51pts. The model I'm going to use as my librarian has also been assembled, but I'm probably going to pull it all apart again. So I'll only claim 2pts for it. I've already painted all of the tactical marines as Ultramarins, so that doesn't help me, but it does mean that if I'm careful I won't have to redo a lot of the details. So let's take 1 point for each of them (so another 10pts). 2 of the terminators have also been painted blue, so I'll claim another point for each of them. Of the other 3 terminators, I've painted them all green, so I have to do the white half and maybe touch up a few details, so I'll claim 4 points for them. The librarian has had some painting but since I'm going back to do some conversion work, I'll only claim 2 painting points for it. So that's 79 points done from the AoBR models.

For the Battleforce models, I've got 5 tactical marines assembled and base coated (6 points each, since i haven't done weapons or backpacks yet). I've also cut and cleaned the parts for the other 5. I have 3 Assault Marines assembled and half of their base colours done (5 points each), I have another assembled (3pts) and the parts for the 5th ready to go (1pt). I also have 3 scouts primed (one with half the base colours done) and the parts for the other two ready. I put the Rhino together a while ago and painted it green. So I still have to do the white half and touch up some details (so 8pts). So that's 76 points of the Battleforce done.

Altogether, I've already done 155/554, which is a bit more than 25%. It leaves me with about 400 points to cover in 14 days, or about 30 points a day.

If I can cover 200 points then I'll be very happy. Anything less than 100 would be disappointing (unless it meant I was off doing something even more fun). Let's see how I go!

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