Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire: Multiplayer, Part II

Shaz and I both managed to find some time this weekend to try and finish off our game from the weekend before. Despite having saved the game before we stopped, I couldn't find it on my list of saved games. Fortunately there was an autosave from moments before I saved the game, so I just loaded that up.

The game progressed pretty much as expected. Since we were still on opposite sides of the map, Shaz and I basically just kept ignoring each other. The remaining PC player had control of galactic south of the map as well as parts of the centre (I was in the east and Shaz in the west), so I decided to push south.

My economy was humming along, so I concentrated on consolidating my planets and maxing out all the research options I wanted. I had another smaller fleet guarding my systems in the galactic centre, and they received a message that my culture spread had turned a colony nearby to neutral. Thinking this was a gift, I jumped on over.

The system had been held by the eliminated PC player, and so all their structures were still in orbit (and still hostile) - including a starbase. I quickly claimed the planet and left the fleet to mop up the structures.

My main focus was on my push south, so it was with a bit of shock when I discovered that the smaller fleet on mop up duty had been almost wiped out. All by the starbase. It took a fair bit of time, resources and micro-management to deal with the rouge base, but eventually it exploded.

I started building some Novalith cannons around the time the second PC player was wiped out (I assume by me, since I took out it's capital, but I'm not sure what Shaz was up to).

I then moved to consolidate my empire and reposition my forces to start targeting Shaz. Unfortunately we had to stop around this time, so we never found out who would actually win. But Shaz did say afterwards that a lot of his planets were uncolonisable now because of radiation (presumably due to my Novalith cannons).

Overall I was pretty pleased with the multiplayer experience, and I'm keen for some more!

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