Sunday, May 2, 2010

Super Secret Project Part II: Putting It All BACK Together

After carefully assembling all the bits, I went to move the model and managed to knock a part completely off. I didn't even bump it very hard, and I would have thought it would have been one of the stronger joints.

My faith in the greenstuff bonds has been shaken. I tested the other joints, but they all seem to be holding as firmly as I would have expected. So maybe it was just that one.

Regardless, I had another go at pinning. I made the mistake of gluing the pin before I trimmed it to the correct size, and then couldn't get my cutters close (well, not without clipping bits off the model at the same time). It wasn't a big problem though, as there was lots of room on the other side. It did mean that it took me a while to drill a hole deep enough.

After two goes at it, I'm pretty happy with pinning. It's not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be, and it does seem to make a really strong join.

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