Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Long Weekend Painting

We spent the long weekend down at the beach, so I had a chunk of time to do some painting.

I made some progress on my Angels of Redemption test figures - I've got 5 tactical marines with their white/green coasts done. I still need to add the bolters and backpacks, do the details and the highlights. But I'm pretty happy with the way they've come out.

I tried two different methods. On two figures I tired painting the various sections of armour carefully leaving the joins untouched (so they stayed black). The other method was to paint large sections in the colour and then come back and paint over the joins. The second method was a lot quicker initially but then took a while to do the touching up. In the end I'm not sure which was actually faster.

I also started working on the Roman foot troops for Arcane Legions. Pretty simple paint job - flesh, then metal, then tunics. Shouldn't take too long to finish off next time I have a block of time.

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