Saturday, January 9, 2010


One thing I always knew I was leaving behind when I moved to Melbourne was my gaming group. My gaming group was made up of some of my close friends, so I wasn't worried about losing touch with any of the individuals. And there was always the opportunity for online gaming or the odd night when we all happened to be back in the same place. But without a regular group of players to tap into, I knew that part of my life was going to be very different.

Two years later, and it's not just that part of my life that's different. Lots of stuff happens in two year - houses, kids, police, adventure, gardening, coffee. And still no gaming group. But "gaming" is still something that's important to me and tends to occupy a lot of my mind and a large portion of my (fairly limited) free time.

So I've decided to start a blog about my general gaming life. Minus the actual gaming part (mostly). I'm going to talk about the various games I'm looking into and trying to get involved with, my thoughts on game design, the hobby aspect of gaming, notes on random ideas I have and, hopefully, posts about actual games I've played. That is assuming of course that this blog doesn't just become another one of those countless blogs that are four posts in total, three of which apologies for not posting more often. My interests in "gaming" are fairly broad, so topics will range from roleplaying and war games to boardgames and computer games, although the focus will tend towards tabletop games.

Lets see if I can keep this up for more than a month or two...

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