Friday, February 12, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire: Initial Impressions

I played the Sins of a Solar Empire demo a little bit last year, but recently had a hankering for a 4x game so started it up again. And then realised what a lot of people already knew - that it was awesome. So I decided to buy myself a copy. Buying a computer game is a pretty rare event for me - the last one I got was Torchlight, and I can't think what I got before that - Mass Effect 1 possibly?

I had intended to just get the core game, and maybe pick up the two expansion packs later. But the day I actually got around to buying it, they'd removed the core game from the shop and only have the bundle available (Sins + the two expansion packs, even though the latest one wasn't being released for another couple of days). That actually turned out to be quite fortunate - the bundle also included Trinity, which is the revamped original Sins of a Solar Empire.

One of the reason I decided to buy Sins was that it runs well on a netbook. The only problem is that the standard netbook resolution isn't supported - meaning you have to do some annoying scrolling to see the controls at the top or bottom of the screen. There is an interface mod that fixes it, but it doesn't (yet) support Trinity. Fortunately, Stardock decided to allow you to opt to play the original Sins or Trinity, so problem solved!

The core Sins doesn't really change much from the demo, except adding more (and bigger) maps - and of course not limiting the length of your game! Oh, and the ability to play as other races with have different technology. But I haven't bothered trying that yet. Trinity however changes a lot of stuff. There are new technology research trees (Diplomacy and Defense), and even the ability to build starbases.

I'm painfully aware that I've barely touched the surface yet, but I'm having so much fun I don't really care. This was definitely the game I wanted to be playing right now.

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