Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire Multiplayer

I got a chance to play a multiplayer game of Sins with Shaz. It took us a little while to work out how to actually start an online multiplayer game, but once we'd sorted that the setup process was pretty simple.

We played on a random medium-sized map with two computer players. Ultimately it was a bit of a strange multiplayer experience since we went the whole time without really having any contact with each other. But that was just the luck of the map we had - we were both on opposite side with the two computer players in between.

I was really pleased with the multiplayer experience. The game works almost identically to the single player version. If there's lag, then the game acts like it's been paused (which means you can still give orders to ships, queue research and construction and generally look around). Each player has a limited number of pauses they can use, which is a pretty good idea. You can also save multiplayer games (and the game still does it's autosaves periodically), so if something happens you can always pick it back up again.

I was pretty pleased with how the game progressed - I pushed to build up my economy and claim some nearby systems. I stopped expanding once I'd secured a few natural bottlenecks, and concentrated on pushing up my research.

I got a few missions from the computer players, but I tended to target the red computer team. This turned out to be what Shaz was doing too, because ultimately the red team was wiped off the map.

We didn't have time to finish the game, but hopefully we'll be able to pick it up again soon!

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