Friday, February 19, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire: Initial Tips

I've been playing a bit of Sins lately - I had a few nights away for work, so my netbook got a big workout in the evenings.

One of the initial small maps is called "Point Blank", simply because there are only a few systems, and you start right next door to the computer player. So I've been playing that map over and over as a way of learning how to quickly get a milatry force up and running.

The first thing to do is to pause the game. It probably doesn't make that much difference, but I figure the computer can issue instant orders, so it can't hurt if I do too.

The first thing I build is a captial ship factory - since your first capital ship is free, there's no reason not to get one as soon as possible. The second thing to do is build a milatry research base.

Another good tip I worked out is try and place both structures near your frigate factory. That way the construction ships have less distance to travel and can start building faster.

Set your frigate factory to pump out a few light frigates, and the start the game running again. You can also queue up the mining facilities and any research abilities you want.

As soon as you've got your capital ship and some light frigates together, join them into a fleet and send them over the computer's system. Let them do their thing, but try and queue up as many other ships as you can to join them during the battle.

Once all the computer's ships are destroyed, order your fleet to attach the computer's frigate factory. Once that's destroy, wipe out its' capital ship factory. With no ships and no way of getting more (easily), you can then wipe them out with ease!

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