Thursday, July 1, 2010

Wish List

The end of the financial year in my house typically means it's bonus time, and this year (thank goodness) was no exception. While the majority of my bonus automatically goes straight to boring real-life expenses, I've managed to skim a small proportion off for toys!

As always, there's a lot of stuff around at the moment that I've very much like to have. But leaving aside the extremely valid questions of time to enjoy them and space to store them, there's the simple fact that my toy budget won't stretch anywhere near that far. Plus, it's no fun if there's nothing left to look longingly at.

So, partly to help me prioritise, and partly to keep track of things, here's a list of the stuff I want at the moment. Other than vague groupings, there's no real order to this list:

Ironclad & Venerable Dreadnoughts - what can I say, I like dreadnaughts
Space Wolves Battleforce - perhaps combined with a regular Space Marine battleforce
40k Battle Missions - I suspect this would be more useful than the standard game for me

Watchtower & Fortified Manor - to build this (bottom left, one in)

A Starter Set or Two - enough to paint up and play

Mantic Games

Warhammer Rule Book (8th Edition) - it's a beautiful book that's sparked my interest.

Battles of Westeros - I will possess this game, but I'm going to hold off until after September in case someone wants to give me a copy for my birthday

Living Card Games
Game of Thrones - I love some SoF&I action!
Warhammer: Invasion - mostly because I know I can get it from Maelstrom Games pretty cheaply

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