Monday, July 12, 2010

Weekend Hobbying

I got a reasonable amount of gaming-related time this weekend, largely thanks to the mother-in-law staying.

After meaning to for a couple of weeks now, I finally sat down with B and let him have a go painting. This is his first job - he spent a lot of time painting the ground and one of the horses' back legs. I was actually really impressed by his fine motor skills! I think his favourite bit was putting his brush in the water and wiping it clean. I might do a more detailed post about it all later.

While I didn't do any painting of my own, I finally got around to taking some photos of my (nearly) finished Angels of Redemption (clicking the images should show you slightly bigger ones).

I'm quite pleased with how the highlights have come out, particularly the white and the purity seals. For the most part you can't "see" them, but they make the lighting of the figures look a lot more natural. I'm also reasonably happy with the basing - I was trying for something simple and effective, and that's what I think I got. You don't really notice it until you see them standing next to something with a plain base.

Most of my gaming time this weekend was spent playing Torchlight! I was really in the mood for some monster killing, and that's what Torchlight does the best! I started a new character (A Destroyer), and in no time had cleared the mines and was halfway to the sunken gardens. Then I remembered that I'd missed a quest back on level 3, and had to back track. Which pretty much involved going back to the beginning. But it does mean I've been cutting a bloody path through all that come before me!

I also spent a bit of time hacking away at my 4X project. I'm reasonably happy with how it's progressing. I now have planets with resources that you can exploit through various facilities. Or at least, I've got the code to support that - I need to add the actual details.


  1. Good looking models there. The white on your marines looks a bit thick though, as if you put a LOT of layers of white over a dark undercoat.

    I stumbled upon your other blog looking for pictures of space marines, where I found a poster that you made 2 years ago.

    On my blog, I've got some tutorials about painting space marines. The Dark Sons are very similar in appearance to the Angels of Redemption. Check it out at and see if you find anything that may help you.

  2. The white isn't as thick as it might look - I was playing around with a few different methods of getting the colour I wanted, and I did the black lining at different stages which doesn't help.

    But yeah, these guys were ultimately really just test models, so hopefully the next batch turn out better!

    I'll take a look at your tutorial and see if I can pick anything up.
