Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Weekend Update

I spent a bit of time modelling over the weekend. I really need to post some pictures, but I haven't been bothered to take any.

My Angels of Redemption still need a chapter emblem. I really don't like the actual Angels of Redemption logo, and the Dark Angels logo decal is white, which obviously won't show up on a while shoulder pad.

I had a go a painting a free-hand celtic design, but it quickly turning to rubbish. I also tried a ying-yang symbol which came out better but still didn't look very good. I think I would like to do something celtic-themed, so I'll have to keep thinking about it.

I pulled out the bits of my partially assembled speeder, and primed some of the parts the will need to be painted before I finish assembling it. I'm going to try priming the marines in white to see if I have an easier time with my paint scheme.

I also cracked open the box of Space Wolves troops I picked up a little while ago, and started to clip and clean the pieces. Those sprues are jam packed full of bits! It actually really makes me want to start building a Space Wolves force, except I don't like the colour scheme. I had picked up the troop box for something else, but now I'm seriously tempted to use a whole lot of the bits with my Angels of Redemption.

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