Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Snow Storm Sale

I must admit, I always get jealous when I see a post by someone showing off the latest pile of boxes that arrived on their door. So when I got an email from the very nice people at Maelstrom Games telling me they were having a sale (combined with the excellent exchange rate), I decided it was my turn to get a big pile of boxes.

It had to come in two boxes, so of course one arrived yesterday and the other one today. But I'm going to pretend they all came at once.

I felt my Angels of Redemption lacked some mechanised support, so I got a Land Raider (actually a Crusader/Redeemer), a Predator (I read just today that they're going to release a new Predator model around June) and I also got a Razorback (which will double as another Rhino as the need arises).

So I now have lots of cars to drive my army men around in!

I've already posted about the Mantic Elven Spearmen. And the last thing in the picture is the introductory sculpting set from Gale Force 9. I've been playing around with a bit of greenstuff, but it's really hard to do much with just my fingers.

Also, not pictured here is the box for my Super Secret Project. So actually my pile of new stuff is even bigger!

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