Monday, March 15, 2010

Initial Impressions: Mantic's Elven Spearmen

So I got a box of stuff in the mail today. I'm going to do a post about all of it, but I was particularly impressed by the Matic Games Kings of War Elven Spear Command box I got.
The box itself is the size of a PC game DVD box, made from hard white plastic. It's certainly looks very nice, and is a change from the standard GW boxes. The box is also designed to store the assembled troops!

Opening up the box, the first thing to see is a promo pamphlet/poster.

Unfolding it, there's an A3 sized version of this. And it looks really nice. On the other side is a whole lot of different things. There's some fluff pieces about the elves preparing for war. There's some assembly instructions. And there's some other stuff Mantic thought they'd like to tell you about. I'm sure if you were buying lots of boxes it would get old quickly, but I thought it was really nifty.

Then behind that is the single sprue. There are a range of different troop sizes you can get, but I opted for the smallest. This is 10 spear men (9 and a commander I think).

The sprue itself is full of detail and extra bits. There's even a dead elf to stick on a base or whatever. The figures are all multi-part (spear arms and the occasional head), so different poses will be pretty simple.

The detail on the individual figures is pretty impressive. This image doesn't even do it justice.

Overall, I'm really impressed. I know where I'm going for all my elf (and undead) 28mm needs!

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